Advantages of Keeping Old Light Switch Cover for Leash Holder for Wall Mount
This customer installation clearly shows the advantages of KEEPING the current light switch cover plate and ONLY installing a device that mounts UNDER the light switch cover. As you can see in the pictures below, this light switch cover is very ornate and trying to make all of the different Read more…
Customer picture of key holder for wall with black hooks under light switch cover plate
I love it so much when customers send in their pictures of BearMar products in use or installed. Here is a great example of the key holder wall mount with black hooks. It is an installation over a heavily textured wall and it looks great. If you look at the Read more…
Milk Frother Stand Only Replacement – Nice Review
The milk frother stand only replacement from BearMar is a clever little add-on to your kitchen which buys you back space and gives your kitchen a little splash of color. Here is the Milk Frother Stand review in graphic form: This frother stand not only cleans up my counter space Read more…
Paw Print Leash Hanger for Wall – Customer Pictures
I love receiving the pictures of the Paw Print Leash Hanger for Wall Mount before and after installation. This installation of the leash hanger for light switch covers was neat because this customer used rocker switches. Most of the BearMar photos of the wall mount leash holder are standard toggle Read more…
Coffee Bar Christmas Decorations – Holly Jolly Java Milk Frother Stand
Looking for clever and unique coffee bar Christmas decorations? Swap out your ugly cluttery wire stand holding your handheld milk frother with this holly jolly java milk frother holder. The beauty of the Holly Jolly Java Milk Frother Holder is that you can decorate *AND* better organize your coffee bar. Read more…
Morning routine and recipe – Almond Milk Mocha Espresso – Handheld Milk Frother
You’re probably wondering how a handheld milk frother relates to a recipe for an Almond Milk Mocha Espresso but it does. Having a routine is crucial in our everyday lives, providing us with a sense of structure and stability. This is particularly true in the morning, where establishing a consistent Read more…
A really great Amazon Review for Milk Frother Stand Only
Love to see people really enjoy using and then kindly providing a review for the milk frother stand only replacement. The attractive and festive faceplate is a real game changer. Plus the decorative design I’ve made for this milk frother holder looks amazing. If your milk frother is a rechargeable Read more…
Universal Light Switch Cover or Electric Outlet Cover
A Universal Light Switch Cover Plate might be needed if you want to add on a cool feature to your current light switch. For example, you could add a dog leash holder or key holder for the wall. It is a pain in the rear to try to fit all Read more…