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News and Information

Secure Bar Holders Used for Tropical Storm Shutter Protection

Nice review by a user who applied secure bar holders for tropical storm protection

I love good reviews. They are really hard to get. This user applied his bar holders to protect his shutters from tropical storms. I have an explanation of how you can use secure bar holders for hurricane protection for your shutters, windows and doors. Here is the review for which I could not be more thrilled! Thanks Charles.   As a reminder, here is my graphic of how you would do this. The magic is Read more…

tough powder coat showing scratch from wicked sharp edge

When fully cured, the powder coat is tough as nails accidentally sent out a “not fully cured” powder coated kit recently. We knew the kit was different, but we thought it was because of an inventory change from wet coat (standard painting) to powder coat. We thought it was old wet coat inventory. But it wasn’t. We didn’t cure the powder long enough. Now we know what to look for and it is interesting what we have learned. See and hear what we learned Read more…

2x4 bar holder showing use as hurricane protection

Using the 2×4 Open Bar Holders for Hurricane Window Protection

One of the really neat thing that the 2×4 Open Bar Holders can be used for is to secure your windows and doors against hurricanes and tropical storms constant unrelenting winds. It turns out that the vibration from the sustained winds can vibrate holder boards out of almost any situation. But the unique holes in the compact 2×4 Open Bar Holders that make these really compact are the same holes that can be used to Read more…