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News and Information

Using 2x4 compact design to hold plywood for hurricane protection

2×4 or 2×2 Open Bar Holders for Plywood Holders for Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

Recently, I’ve seen an uptick of people ordering LARGE orders (more than 6 for example) of 2×4 and 2×2 Open Bar Holders. Usually the bar holders I make are to be used in conjunction or in my kits to help secure your shed better. Another use is to simply put on the INSIDE of your doors to hold a bar for added security. Sometimes this is called a zombie bar. When I asked a few Read more…

Red gable roofed barn with secure 2x4 bar holders with lock

Beautiful RED Barn Installation of 2×4 Secure Bar Holders

Textbook installation of the secure bar holder on a really picturesque red barn. In this case, this barn does not have internal stops for the left door. The client wrote me and was going to pick up an extra bar holder to be installed on the left door next to the first bar holder. This would secure the door from being pushed in as well as being pulled out.

Nice, neat & compact secure 2x4 bar holder INSTALLED!

A customer installation picture

I love seeing how people install their secure bar holder kits. I always sell more bar holder kits than I expect but it is VERY RARE that anyone ever sends me a picture of their final installation. So today, a buyer sent me a picture of his installation. He left out the standard open bar holder which is JUST FINE. I put mine in because I wanted to have it support the 2×4 when the Read more…

Open 2x4 bar holder galvanized steel front

Thanks for buying an Open Bar Holder

Had a nice order from Fort Collins CO today! Thank to the CSU Rams fan (an assumption). The order was for 4 open bar holders which will look very sharp since they don’t have UGLY exposed screws like the ones you buy in Home Depot or Lowes. I believe I have a superior design to what is available in the market an I’m 100% American made. I host my web site out of a Houston Read more…

2x4 bar holder kit 5-star reviews from Amazon

Amazon 5-star Reviews! Yay for the Raw Bar Holder Kit

All products gotta start somewhere and so things like 5-star reviews on Amazon are pretty exciting for a brand new product. The RAW Bar holders have not just one, but TWO, 5-star reviews on Amazon as of Jan 8, 2017! Check em out.   Find the secure bar holder kit –> HERE <–

Traditional 2x4 Bar Holder without ability to lock

Add a Padlock locking tab to a secure 2×4 bar holder and shazzam…

When I first made my 2×4 bar holder setup with traditional 2×4 bar holders, I made about 3,000 trips to Lowes and Home Depot trying to find the right stuff (slight exaggeration). Once I put a handle on my 2×4 bar and I had a nice setup for sliding the bar back and forth and removing, I discovered that there just seemed to be no good way to add something so simple as a padlock. Read more…