Powerlix Frother Mounted with Gray Frother Holder in a Boat
One of my favorite things in the entire world is having customers send me pictures of how they have used my crazy inventions in their life.
One customer used a Gray Frother Holder to save space in his boat. If you think about it, a BOAT is a very, very confined space. You simply DON’T have counter space for the traditional wire milk frother stand. So you can’t store the frother on the counter. Also, in a boat you MUST have everything securely fastened – because of this you cannot use a wire milk frother stand. We personally hate throwing the frother in the drawer, which is why we made this mountable milk frother holder.
So I couldn’t be more pleased than punch when I received this picture! Look how pretty the wall mounted coffee milk frother looks on the handheld frother mount!
NOTE: This is a much older design that looks… well… older. I have a newer milk frother stand only replacement which is strong and substantially more attractive. And yes, the new design would hold this Powerlix frother just fine!