A really great Amazon Review for Milk Frother Stand Only

Love to see people really enjoy using and then kindly providing a review for the milk frother stand only replacement. The attractive and festive faceplate is a real game changer. Plus the decorative design I’ve made for this milk frother holder looks amazing.
If your milk frother is a rechargeable with multiple attachments, BearMar also makes a milk frother holder that can hold 2 attachments as well.
Here is the review in text form:
This frother stand not only cleans up my counter space but is perfect for fall as I am one that loves everything pumpkin spice!! My previous stand would always tip over, this definitely takes care of that issue!
This does have a mount to attach to the cabinet, but I used a command strip on my backsplash that worked perfectly! Can’t wait to replace the pumpkin with another holiday! Would definitely recommend this product!